10 Top Tips on How the Events Industry can Help in Solving Global Food Inequality


Be accurate in planning and allocation of resources in advance allows for minimum wastage. The knowledge of exactly who is attending your event allows for minimum food wastage.


Use local Produce

Locally sourced food means greenhouse gas emissions from transport are reduced. Food which is locally produced also tends to have been produced with more sustainable methods, including friendly farming or organic practices. It also helps support local communities and businesses.


Monitor the Food used and Wasted

It’s useful to monitor how much food is put out, and how much is consumed. Tracking food consumption and wastage makes it easier to make adjustments in the future. Obviously the key is to provide just the right amount of food at the event!



Design Your Menu Around Sustainable Foods

It’s useful to monitor how much food is put out, and how much is consumed. Tracking food consumption and wastage makes it easier to make adjustments in the future. Obviously the key is to provide just the right amount of food at the event!




Data and information gained from each event can be used to inform and implement changes for future events, educating suppliers and hosts on what can help make an event truly sustainable.



Collaborate with other businesses and bring ideas together- this will provide scope for new ideas and intertwine industries together, promoting them to work together for a more sustainable food industry.


Use Less Meat

This can be a tough one, but using less meat will ultimately help toward lowering the earth's carbon footprint. Meat is one of the least sustainable food industries out there and by using less of it this will help to reduce the negative impacts it produces. 


Confirm numbers before an event

Confirming numbers will ensure there is as little food waste as possible, helping to solve global food inequality by not over- compensating in ingredients and wasting food.



Share with other events businesses and your wider audience of how to be more efficent with your food consumption and how to reduce waste. Talk at events and share ideas online and get people more involved with how to stop wasting food. 


Host education events

 The events industry can collaborate with different sectors and industries- hosting Seminars, Webinars, Fairs and other kinds of events in aid of educating these industries to be more sustainable with their approach to food. This will ultimately help to reach a wider audience and help reduce food waste and solve global food inequality. 
