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Measuring Sustainability Seminar - Tokyo









◎会場:東京ミッドタウン カンファレンス Room 5


 ・セミナー -「国内外の最新の動向」
 ・ワークショップ -「測定結果に応じたこれからの行方/取り組み」






Fiona Pelham氏

Positive Impact 代表
・2005年、イベント分野におけるサステナビリティの教育団体Positive Impactを設立。
・2012年に発行されたイベントのサステナビリティに関する国際標準規格ISO 20121の策定会議において議長を務める。
・2016年に会員数2万人以上からなる国際的なミーティングの専門家組織であるMPI(Meeting Professionals International)の国際議長を務める。
・2018年に国連の世界観光機関(United Nations World Tourism Organization)のメンバーとしてPositive Impactが加盟した。

◎主催:Positive Impact日本事務局、株式会社セレスポ

 Positive Impact日本事務局(株式会社セレスポ内)
 住所:170-0004 東京都豊島区北大塚1-21-5

Want to know more?

The importance of sustainability is recognised globally. Increasingly, Governments, non-profits and businesses are taking action. But how can we measure the effects of these initiatives?

Positive Impact Japan and Cerespo Co Ltd is addressing this question. In their 2019 seminar, they are investigating the development of sustainability and the necessity of its measurement.

The Measuring Sustainability Seminar is a great opportunity for the global event sector and sustainability experts to collaborate and share their expertise in a leading world issue. Positive Impact Japan and Cerespo Co Ltd are hosting this amazing opportunity in the rapidly growing, innovative capital of Japan - Tokyo!

Fiona Pelham (middle) visiting Positive Impact Japan surrounding CSRshareday

Fiona Pelham (middle) visiting Positive Impact Japan surrounding CSRshareday

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Measurement is a key focus for Positive Impact in 2019. Everyone wants to measure but sometimes people don’t know what to measure, how to measure, or what to do with the results…

  • Measurement and reporting is way for any industry to understand the issues they are facing.

  • It is a recognised fact that what is measured and monitored will reduce.

  • Measurement is vital so we can understand the questions to ask to find the right solution. For example: what is the waste infrastructure? Where are the cups being manufactured? How will they travel?

  • The more we measure the more we can start to understand how our impact depends on multiple factors!

Sharing our measurements and our understanding of our impact is essential for the event industry to develop and become more sustainable. If people could share their learnings we would be more able to collaborate to create solutions.

If you have any questions or just want to know more you can email

What You'll gain…

  1. Learn about the significant issues related to sustainability in the event industry, the global trends in sustainable events and what this means for Japan.

  2. Learn about the importance and benefits of measuring sustainability initiatives.

  3. Learn how event professionals, by taking action in sustainability, can take advantage of an increased global profile through best practice and story telling.

  4. Discover actions being taken by UN bodies to collaborate with the event industry and actions being taken by global industry associations.

  5. Hear from sustainability experts such as Positive Impact’s own Fiona Pelham, ISO20121 team members and Sustainable Event Institute members.

  6. Network and collaborate with the global Events industry and sustainability experts.


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