'How Can Events Help to Reach the UN SDG's?'- Interview with Jeremy Mathieu, Sustainable Production Advisor at the BBC

1 – Do you think sustainability is important and why?

Sustainability is a key strategic consideration for all organisations nowadays. The environmental changes that are going to happen within the next generation are widely accepted worldwide and cannot be underestimated. The policy, technological, economical and social transitions that are already under way to get us towards a world that is properly sustainable will change the landscape for all organisations. How prepared we are to navigate that change is up to us and how strategically we consider it today.


2 –Could you tell me how you believe the events industry could help to reach the UN SDG's?

The Events industry has a great power to convene people, to create spaces where people feel welcomed and share ideas. By making the very nature of events more sustainable (operations, supply chain, products and services available on location), the industry can act as a “normaliser” of the type of change we need to see globally, and have a positive role in this transition.



3 – Can you share an example of something you have seen at an event which made you think it was making a positive impact for sustainability?

 I recently heard from the Stadium Manager of the San Francisico 49ers American Football team that they were asking all the broadcasting trucks to use the grid energy from the Stadium rather than use diesel generators. I think this is a fantastic initiative as it has a significant impact, is extremely innovative, brings together quite different stakeholders and could lead the way to broader changes across the Sport broadcasting sector. By showing an innovative solution can be done, leaders can inspire significant change around them.


4 – How do you help to contribute to a more sustainable future in your day to day duties at work?

I try my best to translate the big picture issues about climate change, resource usage pollution or biodiversity for instance, and translate that into what it means for my industry. By making it all relevant for people who are extremely busy with their day job, and giving them practical actions they can implement as well as a deeper understanding of the way their role can contribute to that transition, they feel empowered and motivated to make a difference. In practice, I spend a lot of time teaching training courses, advising on specific project and running workshops.
