Partnerships for the Goals
This month our theme is "How can events help people work in partnership to meet the SDG's?
We have collaborated with Sylvia Schenk from transparency international, IBTM and Cerespo to bring you the best content
The United Nations has indicated that a stronger commitment to partnership and communication is needed in order to achieve the sustainable development goals.
The event industry is important as it has the opportunity to allow people to come together to discuss issues and make sustainable changes.
This month as part of our #CollaborateforGood series, we spoke with Sylvia Schenk Chair of the working group on Sport at Transparency.
When talking about the importance of Collaboration, Sylvia highlighted:
'For me stakeholder engagement and cooperation with other stakeholders and NGOs that's they key element of what our work is about because you cannot have transparency without people engaging. I'm always trying to bring organisations together to cooperate and see how we can join forces to have a bigger impact and that's especially the case with events, they are touching so many different issues and people and organisations and of course you need to bring people together to really make a difference.'
And she also kindly shared with us her Top Tips on achieving SDG 17:
Thorough 2017, Positive Impact was in conversation with Reed Exhibitions & IBTM about how they could further their sustainable event efforts by coming together. As a major event organisation Reed understand the power and the value of the meetings and events industry and support the development of a sustainable event industry. Positive Impact thanks Reed Exhibitions & IBTM Events for sponsoring our campaign which tells the story of the power of events during the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
This month's Roadmap
A Roadmap is a visual plan that communicates where you want to get to, and can be shared with your customers and supply chain. A good roadmap will have at least one objective which your customers and supply chain can help you achieve and a number of inspiring ideas and tactics which you can work towards.
In January Cerespo worked with Positive Impact to create a visual roadmap which represents their sustainability journey. Some of the key objectives that Cerespo will be focusing on in the run up to 2020 will be;
1. To create a global legacy
2. Protect the environment
3. Improve and contribute to society
At Positive Impact we work to provide sustainability resources and education materials to all. It is essential for us as a not for profit, that we have the support of others to enable us to reinvest any money received through donations straight back into providing more education for everyone, and moving one step closer to creating a sustainable event industry. In essence, by making a donation you are supporting us and more importantly are a key part in our mission to create a sustainable event industry. Support Positive Impact to achieve our vision of a sustainable event industry.