Share your story about someone who's mentored you

We want to know who has mentored you! Whether it’s a boss, a colleague, a teacher, an influencer, a family or a friend. Who has taught you something that you carry with you in your day-to-day lives? Share your story with us on social media using the hashtag #MentoringMay

  1. Share an article or blog post on social media- find a topic of conversation that interests you, try and express the benefits of discussing this topic with your audience

  2. Share a practical skill- seek to educate through tutorials, how-to guides, hacks, and tips. Knowledge is valuable but if it isn’t immediately applicable to your audience’s life, it can take a backseat.

  3. Share practical examples of the way you want to educate- Greepeace are currently running a campaign called #pointlessplastic where they share examples of excessive plastic that they see in their dat-to-day lives. Seeing context of your ideas is more powerful than just stating facts